I have been teaching and training for over a decade with both adults and children in environmental education. When I first met my wife she was an active, energetic and full of life. We swam, hiked, climbed mountains....but little did I know that she was ‘pushing through’ to achieve this, and her ‘crash’ a few days later was my introduction to Chronic fatigue Syndrome. I would slowly see her leave a job she loved, loose friends, struggle with the simplest of activities and at times be bed bound.
Her path became my path as I took on the role of carer. I was way too young to be a carer for my young partner, but that is the tragedy of CFS. I watched the ups and downs, the crazy cures, the seemingly uncaring doctors, the endless blood tests. It sometimes felt hopeless. Any progress she seemed to make would all give way to another crash.
She had managed her energy well for a few months, but on the second night of our honeymoon she had another crash and it felt like our lives were destined to revolve around CFS. It was one of the loneliest moments of my life - to be strolling along a tropical beach on my honeymoon......on my own. So we settled into a life of never knowing what tomorrow would bring. Grateful for the ups but always bracing ourselves for the inevitable downs.
When I heard about the Lightning Process, I was dubious but the results from others were incredible. The thought of a full recovery was so enticing, when we were merely aiming to just manage it. Maybe that’s why I was dubious. How can you get such results in just 3 days! My wife’s friend who had successful taken the Lightning Process practically pleaded for her to try it, and it was her results that gave us the confidence we needed.
So with the aid of Wheelchair assistance and very helpful airport staff my wife made the trip to England on her own.
At the end of the first day I received an excited phone message from London about the Lightning Process and news that she was off for a long walk! after Day 2 I had a long email, written with such an energy and passion I hadn’t witnessed in years. By the final day she was ready to live a full life again.
All the while I was wondering whether this was just another build up for a spectacular crash, and she still had her jet lag to contend with coming home……
But a few weeks later a very different person walked through the Arrivals door at Brisbane airport.
When people ask me now what it was like, I honestly struggle to remember. It feels like another life time. Since doing the Lightning Process we have traveled, started a family and a new business together. The days of her brain fog are long gone as she often puts me to shame with her sharp analytical mind. We used to dream of having a normal life, but instead we have a spectacular life.
After my experience with the Lightning Process in the UK, I was determined to help those in Australia and New Zealand. I made it my mission to bring the Lightning Process here.
Teaching the Lightning Process allows me to help people return to their true nature – their energetic and vibrant former selves. To be able to live the life they love.