When it comes to health issues in particular people either believe that they can influence it themselves or not. Which one are you?
Our recent understanding of Genetics suggest that what we do in our lives (everything from the food we eat to the thoughts we think) influences the expression of our genes. This is the developing field of Epi-genetics.
The video below from NICABM (the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine) show how exercise can influence our risk of dementia. So even if it is 'in the family' you don't have to just cross your fingers and wait.
Other studies show the benefit of exercise on the increase efficiency in mitrachondrial function (the energy centre of cells), increase blood flow to the brain (that sounds important ), increase immune function, improves mood, helps manage weight, boosts energy levels, promotes better sleep and promotes the neural growth hormone important in the Neural Plasticity I talk so much about.
BUT what if you body responds negatively to exercise like many of the people I see?????Well the first step is to see if this is something you think you can do something about. If you believe you can influence it and retrain the body to respond differently to exercise you are on the right blog. :-)
We need to get people up and moving again. But just pushing through exercise when you have ME/CFS is not the answer. I am not an advocate of either pacing or graded exercise. There is a another way!